Required General Education Coursework for Students Without a Baccalaureate Degree:
General Education (32 hours)
*See Common Core Requirements
Additional Tier II requirements (not in Professional General Education): Humanities (3 hours)
Professional General Education Requirements (26 hours)
*Must include 200/300 level PY or SO course; AH316 or MA105; CH107; BI204 and BI204L; BI205 and BI205L; BI305 and BI305L
Required Prerequisite Coursework for Students With a Baccalaureate Degree:
AH316 or MA105; CH107; BI204 and BI205L; BI205 and BI205L; BI305 and BI305L
Required Coursework for all Students:
Allied Health Requirements (3 hours)
AH314 Pathophysiology (3)
Nursing Major Requirements (56 Hours)
NU304 Nursing Research (2)
NU307 Adaptation Nursing Applications (clinical and lab course) (6)*
*A Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) may challenge NU307 by taking both a written and a practical examination. NU307 must either be successfully challenged or taken. Students who pass this examination will take NU360, a special problems course for one credit hour. This course provides students with clinical experiences.
NU308 Health Assessment (lab course) (4)
NU309 Psychosocial Integrity (clinical course) (3)
NU312 Pharmacology I (2) NU313 Pharmacology II (3)
NU321 Public Health and Community Nursing Concepts (clinical course) (3)
NU322 Family Nursing (clinical and lab course) (5)
NU334 Evidence-Based Adaptation Nursing I (clinical course) (8)
NU336 Evidence-Based Adaptation Nursing II (clinical course) (8)
NU451 Adaptation Nursing Practicum (clinical course) (6) (Capstone)
NU452 NCLEX Review (3)
NU456 Leadership and Management (3)