The undergraduate programs provided by the Division of Professional Education at Central Methodist University offer a rigorous and comprehensive initial educator preparation program in Mild-Moderate Disabilities. The program reflects the most recent Council for Exceptional Children and State of Missouri professional standards. Please note that courses with the SE discipline code are offered only online.
The standards-based curriculum features:
CMU has a chapter of the Student Missouri State Teachers Association (SMSTA). All students who are interested in a career in education must join a professional organization by their senior year. The Missouri State Teachers Association is the sponsoring organization (advisor: Prof. Barb Thurmon).
General Education Requirements*: 32 hours minimum
Tier Two Requirements: 18 hours
*Required: PY210; PY223; MA224; ED122
Professional Education (20 Hours)
ED101 Foundations of Education (2)
ED102 Field Experience I (1)
ED453 Education as a Profession (2)
ED454 Student Teaching Seminar/Methods (2)
ED462 Student Teaching (10)
PY342 Psychology of the Exceptional Child (2)
PY343 Psychology of the Exceptional Child Practicum (1)
Special Education certification (Mild/Moderate disabilities K-12) requirements (51 Hours)
ED103 Child Development (2)
ED303 Methods/Materials for Teaching Content Classes (3)
ED304 Methods and Materials for Teaching Content Classes Practicum (1)
ED315 Reading and Writing with Young Children (4)
ED318 Reading Assessment and Instruction (3)
ED319 Reading Practicum (1)
ED320 Reading and Writing in the Middle School (4)
ED324 Methods of Teaching Mathematics in the Elementary/Middle School (3)
ED326 Children’s Literature (3)
ED329 Emergent Language (2)
SE203 Introduction to Special Education – MMD K-12 (3)
SE223 Career Development (2)
SE233 Special Education Processes (2)
SE311 Curriculum Methods MMD K-12 (4)
SE313 Counseling in Special Education (2)
SE321 Diagnostic & Prescriptive Procedures (3)
SE340 Mathematics Instruction for Special Needs Students (2)
SE341 Literacy Instruction for Special Needs Students (2)
SE345 Classroom & Behavior Management (3) or ED313 Classroom Behavior Management (3)
EN211 Grammar for Educators (3)